Wedding Brigade helps users to find the vendors for wedding related services like photography, mehendi, decoration, catering and function halls etc. It also provides dress collections for weddings for both men and women along with the accessories, an e-commerce platform for wedding related stuff.
To create a one stop shop for weddings which included all services, e-commerce, and collaborations.
I was responsible to design end to end human experience (UX and UI) for the web app.
I spoke to newly wedded couples (between 1 to 3 years) and their families to understand the most needed services and the users pain points. Users were also asked to select 5 most important services for which they needed vendors and had a difficult time.
increased conversion
Conversion rate increased from 1.5 to 3.2
concierge is a big success
Concierge feature became very popular and they are receiving minimum 120 queries per day.